
CCGS Bible College has an international campus Santiago, Chile. The directors of this school are Ricardo and Mayra Plazas. This campus has instruction in both Spanish and English. Courses taken there can transfer not only to CCGS Bible College but also Calvary Chapel Bible College in Murrieta. Being located in a major world city like Santiago gives students some amazing opportunities for ministry.

For information about our campus in Santiago: Click Here

For information about churches in South America: Click Here

2019 CC Pastor’s & Leaders Conference at Centro de Estudio Biblico CC Santiago, Chile: November 2019

More information contact
Centro de Estudio Bíblico Calvary Chapel
National & International Bible College
Director Ricardo Plazas
Email: rickymayti@hotmail.com
Estudio Bíblico Email: cebcc_santiago@yahoo.com
Tel # 011-56-2-2269-5078
Vonage Tel # 1-626-549-1368
Cell # 011-56-9627-78546